
An Overview on the Best Geotubes

Geotextile tubes are also referred to as geotubes and mainly used for departing sludge projects of all sizes due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The containers use an engineered textile designed for dewatering of moisture content sludge and sediments. You can find them in various volumes and spaces in regards to volume and space requirement. Geotextile tubes are perfect for massive dewatering of sludge removal projects. Sediment or sludge dewatering tubes are filled up with slurry mix and then allowed to consolidate, after which the containers get refilled again, and this cycle continues until the consolidated residue reaches 85% of the total capacity.

During the dewatering process, runoff water gets drained from the geotextile tubes through the tiny pores in the specifically engineered textile; this will result in effective dewatering and competent volume reduction of the contained materials. The decrease in volume gives space to filling the tubes repeatedly. A high percentage of solids get captured, and the clear filtrate can be collected and recycled through the system.

For one to achieve a maximum and best volume reduction, the geotubes need to be left dewatering over an extended period. The reduction rates will vary with sites and are dependent on the conditions of the site location.